Company 82 Safend



Safendは、エンドポイントのセキュリティの可視化を行ってくれる。USBフラッシュメモリ、MP3プレーヤー、DVD-R、BluetoothFirewire など、PC の持つエンドポイントの大変便利で手軽なデバイスの活用による生産効率と、内部情報漏洩への対策といった安全性を両立させる最適なセキュリティソリューションを提供している。


Safend’s best of breed endpoint security solutions enable organizations to securely enjoy the advantages of mobile computing - from removable media and wireless protocols to the smartphone - enhancing productivity without sacrificing data security.

Safend's advanced solutions deliver granular visibility and control over the organization’s endpoints – exposing existing and potential threats, and enabling precision prevention and remedy to ensure comprehensive internal data security.

Committed to delivering maximum security with the greatest simplicity and minimum Total Cost of Ownership, Safend delivers highly-robust, ultra-secure solutions that are intuitive to manage and virtually impossible to circumvent.

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