Company 81 iRows


Web Application

基本的に、今ある SOFTWARE のようなものは、全て ASP のようなウェブサービスになっていくのだと思う。iRows はオンラインエクセルを開発した。Webベースの表計算ソフトとでもいうのだろう。これで大容量の添付ファイルを送る必要はなくなる。当たり前すぎて誰も考えなかったのか、技術的に難しいかったのかよくわからない。残念ながら、サイトは ( 20061231 ) で閉鎖。それ以降は、Google Docs & Spreadsheets に移行される。

Google Absorbing iRows

iRows was founded by Yoah Bar-David and Itai Raz. Though Google acquired an advanced text search algorithm invented by Israeli student Ori Allon earlier this year, iRows is believed to be the first company in Israel to have been acquired by Google. There is no shortage of innovation coming from that country so iRows will probably not be the last.

iRows Founders Join Google
As the title says, we have decided to join Google.

We are really excited about this transition. When we started iRows, we wanted to do something that would make the web a better place, provide people with better tools, something that is both useful and fun (most people may not think spreadsheets are fun, we do).