Company 109 Pdway


携帯クーポン検索アプリケーション/Cellular Coupons

Pdway は携帯電話にインストールされたアプリケーションにより、様々なクーポンを捜し求めるのが可能です。空メールを送れば、そこの店舗のクーポンが来るといったサービスではありません。(文意から判断すると…、)携帯電話を使って、クーポンを検索してくれるサービスのようです。


Pdway was co-founded at the beginning of 2006 by Omri Kohl and Yuval Madar, and it employs 10 people. The company has developed a technology that enables the distribution and use of coupons at points of sale through cellular handsets. It has developed a technological engine that analyses the behavior of its customers at points of sale, and it has registered several patents in the US. The technology is designed to use cellular handsets to increase use of coupons and discount vouchers at retail chains.(Globes)