Company 98 Equivio



Equivio offers proven, patent-pending technology to detect and group near-duplicate files. ( 重複ファイル )Founded in 2004, Equivio 's product was released in January 2005. Equivio creates a compelling ROI whenever people need to review, search or manage documents.

While existing technology can detect exact duplicates, Equivio offers a unique capability for detection of near-duplicates. Near-duplicate files ( 重複ファイル ) are documents with some differences - for example, document versions, emails sent to multiple custodians, or similar proposals sent to several clients.

Equivio 's ability to group near-duplicates enhances the document review process:

The user is presented with sets of near-duplicates. Instead of the random review of individual documents, Equivio 's near-duplicate sets enable a systematic, coherent review process.
The user no longer needs to read each individual document. Instead, the user reads just one document from each near-duplicate set. To review the other documents in the set, the user simply compares differences.
The near-duplicate groupings also ensure the consistent treatment of near-duplicate documents.

Customers using Equivio are finding 30-50% near-duplicates in typical enterprise environments.

As a result, Equivio generates significant time and cost savings in the document review process, together with fewer enhanced review quality.
